Middle School: Grades 6-8

at Lagunitas Elementary

The Middle School Program is a semi-departmentalized program. Students rotate through several different teachers to receive a core curriculum in language arts, math, science and social studies.

Visit "About Middle School" below to learn more.


Yosha Taylor-Bourgea

Language Arts / 6A Homeroom

  • Class Website

Tony Guerrero

Mathematics - 6B Homeroom

  • Class Website

Andrew Elson

Science - 7th Homeroom

  • Class Website

Katherine Sanford

Social Studies - 8th Homeroom

Buck Chavez

Physical Education Assistant

Additional Information:

Parent Group

About Middle School

MS Staff

(New picture coming soon!) From left to right: Tony Guerrero, Andrew Elson, Jenelle Ferhart, Katherine Sanford, Allie Evans